Name: Tinatin Tsertsvadze
Nationality: Georgian
Countries where you have worked or studied:
Georgia, Latvia, UK, Denmark, Portugal and Poland
Universities and qualifications before ADVANCES:
- Master of Social Work, Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University, Georgia
- Bachelor of Social and Political sciences with a concentration on Journalism
Previous professional experience/Fields of social work practice:
- Primarily worked in the justice system of Georgia as a frontline social worker and Senior Specialist. Was involved in the development of rehabilitation programs for probationers and diverted juveniles.
- Worked as a project assistant in the NGO sector to increase CSOs’ visibility and promote better communication with the public.
Three things that you most value about the ADVANCES programme
- Global perspective
- Diversity
- Opportunity to acquire transferrable skills
Message for other social workers thinking about applying for a place on ADVANCES:
If you are interested in exploring various social work issues in a more international and diverse environment, this is the program to apply for. An inspiring team of professionals from around the world, wonderful group of teachers and tutors will support you to take your knowledge and practice to the next level!
Topic of research project
Radical social work in contemporary society – cases of activism and advocacy-oriented practices in selected Polish civil society organisations
Where were you based for Semester 4?
Warsaw, Poland
Current position and place of work:
Any other jobs since graduating ADVANCES:
Various part-time jobs helping foreign companies and organisations to communicate with the Georgian public, including translating jobs, accompanying donor organisations in the field visits and facilitating different meetings.