Name: Laura Torriani

Nationality: Italian

Countries where you have worked or studied:
Ecuador, England, Denmark, Portugal

Universities and qualifications before ADVANCES:
Degree in Social Services – Università Politecnica delle Marche – Giorgio Fuà

Previous professional experience/Fields of social work practice:
Social workers with street-related-children, in Ecuador.

Three things that you most value about the ADVANCES programme:

  1. Openness
  2. Dynamism
  3. Critical Thinking

Message for other social workers thinking about applying for a place on ADVANCES:
Be ready to reflect, accept, criticize, put into discussion…and start again, again and again every “dogma” you have as a national social workers. 

After Advances, I chose to come back to Italy, closer to my family:
What is great about Advances, is that it helps you to develop skills, which can be used both, in international context but also in your own country. In fact, it gives you the chance to go back to work with a new mind-set, which can truly support your professionality and help you to develop a mindfulness, reflective and creative approac

Topic of research project:
Youth participation in social work in marginalized areas

Where were you based for Semester 4?

Current position and place of work:
Social worker in Child Protection, in Sassuolo – Italy.

Any other jobs since graduating ADVANCES:

  • Social worker with asylum seekers, in Modena – Italy
  • Social workers in the public system in Modena - Italy